Empire Bakery Equipment

Empire Bakery Blog



Empire Bake

Empire Bakery Equipment is a leading supplier of Commercial Ovens, Mixers, Baking Systems and other Commercial Baking Equipment

  1. Gone is the Guilt: Americans Make Sweets a Daily Indulgence

    Gone is the Guilt: Americans Make Sweets a Daily Indulgence

    The days of battling with yourself on whether you want a cookie, a piece of cake, or that doughnut sitting in the break room at work, are now over. As we start seeing more trends around the focus on mental health and wellness, consumers have significantly changed the way they think about sweet goods. It is now more acceptable to...

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  2. How a Cookie Depositor Can Help Build a Better Bakery

    How a Cookie Depositor Can Help Build a Better Bakery

    In a busy bakery, finding ways to streamline production and boost productivity is crucial for long-term success. One solution that has gained popularity over the years is the implementation of a cookie depositor in bakeries. Cookie depositors do not just simplify the cookie production process, but they offer ways for a business to manage and increase the success of their...

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  3. The Future is Electric: The Answer to the Ban on Gas Ovens

    The Future is Electric: The Answer to the Ban on Gas Ovens

    In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. As a result, many states around the country have begun to take action. One such initiative is the ban on gas ovens in some countries, which has sparked controversy and debate among home cooks and professional chefs alike. California, New York, Colorado and Washington have...

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  4. The Pizza Equipment Recommended for a Successful Pizzeria

    The Pizza Equipment Recommended for a Successful Pizzeria

    At Empire, we have been lucky enough to work and spend time with some of the best and most successful pizzaiolos in the world! Getting to speak with them and talk about the industry is always an eye-opening conversation for us. Understanding which types of equipment help build a successful pizzeria allows us to better understand what features and qualities...

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  5. Why Your Bakery/Restaurant Needs a Spiral Dough Mixer

    Why Your Bakery/Restaurant Needs a Spiral Dough Mixer

    What determines a need over a want? By definition, a need is something you can’t get by without and a want is something that is nice to have, but not absolutely necessary. Knowing these definitions, you may think a spiral dough mixer is a want and not a need. We are here to change your mind on that thought and...

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  6. The Art of Stone Ovens: Perfecting Your Bread & Pizza

    The Art of Stone Ovens: Perfecting Your Bread & Pizza

    Baking in a stone oven dates all the way back to the 1400s in France when the first recorded stone oven was recorded. This time-honored tradition still plays a major role in the world of baking as many bakers and pizzaiolos alike rely on stone ovens to produce the highest quality products for their business. When it comes to producing...

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  7. The Must-Have Equipment for Bakery Success

    The Must-Have Equipment for Bakery Success

    At Empire, we pride ourselves on being able to build better bakeries over the past 45 years. We know a thing or two about how to put together a successful new bakery and also how to upgrade existing bakeries. Our years of experience and expertise allow us to suggest the proper layout and the necessary equipment to make a bakery...

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  8. How to Clean Dough Sheeter Belt

    How to Clean Dough Sheeter Belt

    As the saying goes “Cleanliness is next to godliness”, and no one knows that better than those that work in the food industry. To a baker, their bakery space and equipment are their temples and it means everything to them to keep the space and their tools clean. When it comes to their tools and equipment, sometimes bakers face a...

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  9. The Benefits of Adding Dough Production Equipment to Your Bakery

    The Benefits of Adding Dough Production Equipment to Your Bakery

    Baking is a labor of love. We see it all the time in bakeries and even larger wholesale facilities. A flurry of hands dividing, rounding and sheeting dough as it comes out of the mixer. Whether it is one person or a  line of bakers, manual dough production is a laborious and time-consuming process. As technological advancements are made in...

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  10. New Wholesale Bakery Equipment Technology Shaping the Future of Wholesale Production

    New Wholesale Bakery Equipment Technology Shaping the Future of Wholesale Production

    The bakery equipment industry has come a long way in terms of technological advancements. More and more bakeries and facilities are turning to these new technologies to help automate and streamline their production. Finding the right equipment can help take your business to the next level and lead to increased revenue and success. The wholesale bakery industry is one that...

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