Our artisan bread equipment solutions are a perfect combination of modern design and technology mixed with traditional old world baking techniques that provide quality and consistency.
As artisan bread popularity continues to soar, so does the demand from the consumer. Now more than ever, bakers are struggling to keep up with production. When bakers think of artisan breadmaking, they don’t often think of equipment outside of ovens since it needs to be handled differently than most breads. However, Empire Bakery Equipment offers a variety of artisan bread baking supplies and equipment that allow a delicate automated production of dough.
Empire offers artisan breadmaking equipment to help speed up and automate production without sacrificing quality. Find spiral mixers that properly blend ingredients and provide optimal dough development, dough dividers & moulders that provide perfectly consistent divisions (saving your hands from manually dividing and shaping), and artisan-quality stone hearth deck ovens that give you the perfect artisan crust and crumb with each and every bake.