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Artisan Bakers

  1. Introducing Empire’s Artisan Bread Expert & Consultant, Michael Eggebrecht

    Introducing Empire’s Artisan Bread Expert & Consultant, Michael Eggebrecht

    Empire Bakery Equipment has always made it a priority to help assist bakers with everything they need to run a successful bakery. Michael Eggebrecht, an Artisan Bread Expert and Consultant for Empire Bakery Equipment, has been working with Empire to help better educate bakers on the best practices on both the baking end, as well as the business end. Michael...

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  2. Bread Baking: The Perfect Low-Cost High-Reward Business

    Bread Baking: The Perfect Low-Cost High-Reward Business

    Bread is booming! The popularity of bread is rising like active yeast and businesses are benefitting from it. One of mankind’s most basic and ancient concoctions has 11 million photos uploaded to Instagram using the hashtag #bread. It’s all the craze whether it’s a close-up shot of the hills and valleys of fresh focaccia bread or before and after photos...

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  3. Choosing the Proper Deck Oven for Your Bakery

    Choosing the Proper Deck Oven for Your Bakery

    At Empire Bakery Equipment, we are constantly striving to offer the best of the best to our customers when it comes to ovens. High-quality artisanal baked goods are only possible with a great deck oven. Empire offers several different Stone Hearth Deck Ovens like the MinTube, LFKR, Ultimate LF, and Modular Electric Deck Oven. You may be thinking, “Which deck...

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  4. Artisan meets Innovation at Bien Cuit

    Artisan meets Innovation at Bien Cuit

    ” "They have turned our bakery into a place where people love to work and grow as artisans, as well as feed a substantial quantity of New Yorkers every day with well-prepared baked goods consisting of excellent ingredients and thorough baking techniques." Read how this artisan baker was able to keep his painstaking age-old mixing and fermentation techniques and accommodate...

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