Empire Bakery Equipment

Empire Bakery Blog



Empire Bake

Empire Bakery Equipment is a leading supplier of Commercial Ovens, Mixers, Baking Systems and other Commercial Baking Equipment

  1. Hispanic Market to be a Critical Growth Driver for Bakery Industry

    Hispanic Market to be a Critical Growth Driver for Bakery Industry

    With a population over 66.5 million in 2023 and consumer buying power exceeding $2 trillion, Hispanic Americans will represent over 20% of the total U.S. population over the next 5 years. Hispanic Americans have now become a critical growth driver of the U.S. economy and the bakery industry is already starting to see that growth. When it comes to the...

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  2. Hand Kneading VS Spiral Mixer

    Hand Kneading VS Spiral Mixer

    Artisan bread bakers know how important the process of kneading dough is in producing the highest quality artisanal breads. Some artisan bakers prefer hand-kneading as it provides them with a gentle mix and a sense of satisfaction. A great product starts with a great mix and there are pros and cons to both hand mixing and machine mixing. Bread bakers...

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  3. The Type of Bakery Equipment Needed for a Successful Bakery

    The Type of Bakery Equipment Needed for a Successful Bakery

    Looking to start a new bakery? Or maybe you are just looking to improve your existing bakery. Whether starting fresh or looking to grow, having the right equipment in your bakery will ensure that you are producing the highest quality products. Having reliable machines that are consistent, efficient and reliable will allow you to build a successful bakery and sustain...

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  4. Automation is Changing the Future of Bread Production

    Automation is Changing the Future of Bread Production

    The bakery industry has been changing drastically over the last decade due to advancements in bakery technology. One aspect that bakeries have been more reluctant to change, however, is bread production. Artisan bakers stress the importance of a handmade and high-quality product when it comes to artisan bread production. Lately, however, the advancements in tech and the labor shortage of...

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  5. Why Your Bakery Should Automate its Dough Production

    Why Your Bakery Should Automate its Dough Production

    Bakers everywhere know the feeling.  Business is good, and demand is high but production is at a standstill. The lack of staff and the aches in your hands could clearly indicate that something needs to be done about your bakery’s dough production process. Divining, weighing, sheeting and rounding your dough manually is a very laborious task, especially as your bakery...

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  6. Bakery Equipment the Solution to Foodservice Challenges in 2023

    Bakery Equipment the Solution to Foodservice Challenges in 2023

    It’s the start of a new year and with it comes some projected challenges for the foodservice industry. The higher food costs, labor costs and energy costs are a major concern for foodservice operators navigating the new year. Luckily, there are ways to overcome these challenges and improve your foodservice business overall. There’s no doubt that foodservice operators are concerned...

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  7. Gen Z: Keys to Your Future Bakery Success

    Gen Z: Keys to Your Future Bakery Success

    In the past, we saw the Baby Boomer generation become extremely influential in spending behaviors. Today, Gen Z is predicted to play a major role in business and brand success in the coming years. The bakery industry is already looking into how it can properly target Gen Z to ensure future success. Here is some insight into Gen Z’s thoughts...

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  8. Projected Bakery Trends of 2023

    Projected Bakery Trends of 2023

    As the year nears to a close, bakeries everywhere are finishing up their last-minute holiday orders. They should also be looking ahead to the bakery trends that are projected to dominate the industry in 2023. Staying on top of bakery trends can help bakeries earn extra income and become popular establishments in their area. From fresh-baked to bargain buys, here...

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  9. The Artisan Bakery Equipment Needed to Succeed

    The Artisan Bakery Equipment Needed to Succeed

    Perfectly crafted artisan bread is more popular than ever. Over the last few years, we have seen an increase in the demand of sourdoughs and other hand-crafted breads alike. We are lucky to get to work with so many talented artisan bakers who share our passion for creating high-quality artisan products. We understand that artisan baking is incredibly involved; the...

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  10. How to be Better Prepared for Next Year’s Cookie Demand!

    How to be Better Prepared for Next Year’s Cookie Demand!

    Bakeries know all too well that around this time of year, cookie demand is through the roof! With limited staff and an increase in orders to fill, some bakeries are either overworking or turning down profits during the holiday rush. If this sounds like your bakery, then you may need to automate your cookie production. In this article, we will...

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