Empire Bakery Equipment

Empire Bakery Blog



Empire Bake

Empire Bakery Equipment is a leading supplier of Commercial Ovens, Mixers, Baking Systems and other Commercial Baking Equipment

  1. Introducing Master Baker Benjamin Auriau at Empire’s ‘Dream Builder’s Bakery’ at the 2019 IBIE Show in Las Vegas

    Introducing Master Baker Benjamin Auriau at Empire’s ‘Dream Builder’s Bakery’ at the 2019 IBIE Show in Las Vegas

    With a little over a week to go, the IBIE excitement is reaching a fever pitch! An anticipated 23,000 people from over 100 countries will be arriving at the Las Vegas Convention Center looking for the latest innovations in bakery equipment and ingredients from around the world.  For those guests that will be joining us in Booth #2235, we have...

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  2. Bread Baking: The Perfect Low-Cost High-Reward Business

    Bread Baking: The Perfect Low-Cost High-Reward Business

    Bread is booming! The popularity of bread is rising like active yeast and businesses are benefitting from it. One of mankind’s most basic and ancient concoctions has 11 million photos uploaded to Instagram using the hashtag #bread. It’s all the craze whether it’s a close-up shot of the hills and valleys of fresh focaccia bread or before and after photos...

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  3. Choosing the Proper Deck Oven for Your Bakery

    Choosing the Proper Deck Oven for Your Bakery

    At Empire Bakery Equipment, we are constantly striving to offer the best of the best to our customers when it comes to ovens. High-quality artisanal baked goods are only possible with a great deck oven. Empire offers several different Stone Hearth Deck Ovens like the MinTube, LFKR, Ultimate LF, and Modular Electric Deck Oven. You may be thinking, “Which deck...

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  4. Leveraging Instagram to Promote Your Bakery

    Leveraging Instagram to Promote Your Bakery

    When it comes to mouthwatering photos of food, Instagram is the mecca. Food photography and Instagram are a better pair than bread and butter. One quick search and you will see all of the bakeries and restaurants leveraging Instagram in order to gain attention and drive foot traffic. Food is one of the most popular categories posted to the platform...

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  5. Tips for Baking in Hot Weather

    Tips for Baking in Hot Weather

    Summer is here and with it comes hot days. While long summer days are great for the beach, they can have an effect on your bakery, so it is important to know how to adjust your routine for the summer season. At Empire Bakery Equipment, we know the importance of a properly functioning and productive bakery, so we have offered...

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  6. What is the Proper Way to Slice a Bagel?

    What is the Proper Way to Slice a Bagel?

    Seems like a silly question, right? There is only ONE way to properly slice a bagel. Or is there? Earlier this year the internet nearly broke after a man from Missouri showed his coworkers in Washington D.C. how to “properly slice a bagel”. The man in question, Alek Krautmann, presented the bagels to his coworkers … sliced VERTICALLY like a...

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  7. They Say Baking is a Science, But It's Also an Art

    They Say Baking is a Science, But It's Also an Art

    You often hear people comparing baking to science. With all the ingredients being measured, weighed, mixed and the fermentation applied to bread baking, we can all agree that the comparison is pretty spot on. However, what we do not hear as often as you should, is how baking is a form of art and the products the artisans produce are...

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  8. Urth Caffe Turns to the Experts for New Location’s Bakery Equipment

    Urth Caffe Turns to the Experts for New Location’s Bakery Equipment

    When it came time for Urth Caffe to find a new and bigger location, they settled on a 30,000 square foot facility in Hawthorne California. The goal of the expansion was to build a commissary to centralize operations and to produce product to feed to its various locations. In order to choose the proper large scale production equipment and layout...

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  9. Bread Trends for Summer 2019

    Bread Trends for Summer 2019

    Bread used to be something restaurants plopped down on a table to keep customers from getting “hangry” as appetizers and main courses are prepared. However, restaurants and its attendees are getting serious about bread these days. Restaurants have started to discover the power of good breads as an inexpensive way to differentiate their menu. Flavor, texture, presentation and variety are...

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  10. Outgrowing Your Bakery & How to Move Forward

    Outgrowing Your Bakery & How to Move Forward

    When a baker first starts out on their journey and dream of opening a bakery, they can only hope to one day find themselves in a situation where they have outgrown their current space. Whether your bakery operates out of your home, or you rented a small space to get your business up and running, a successful bakery will eventually...

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