Empire Bakery Equipment

Empire Bakery Blog




  1. Transforming Holiday Shoppers into Loyal Year-Round Customers

    Transforming Holiday Shoppers into Loyal Year-Round Customers

    The holidays are here! For bakeries all across the country, the month between Thanksgiving and New Year is a busy one. In fact, it's not uncommon for some places to generate up to 40% of their annual sales this time of year. Your challenge is to keep them coming back for more! Here are some tips for turning first-time holiday...

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  2. The Not-Just-For-Breakfast Treat: All about Bagels

    The Not-Just-For-Breakfast Treat: All about Bagels

    These days, bagels can be found almost anywhere. But where and when was the bagel first created? Bagels were first seen in the Jewish communities of Poland in the 16th and 17th centuries. In fact, according to Wikipedia, the first mention of the bagel was in 1610, in the Jewish community within Krakow, Poland. Today, bagels are commonplace throughout North...

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  3. Celebrating National Whole Grains Month

    Celebrating National Whole Grains Month

    That’s right! September is National Whole Grains Month. There is no better time to explore the many different types of whole grain breads out there. No matter your age or gender, whole grains are a healthy part of your diet. But did you know that some whole grains are even healthier than others? Baking Business reports, according to a study found...

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  4. 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Cookie Depositor

    5 Tips for Choosing the Right Cookie Depositor

    With so many varieties available, it's no wonder America loves cookies! For so many bake shops around the country, cookie production has become a very profitable revenue stream. Now you want a piece of the action - but where to start? Choosing the right cookie production equipment may seem like a daunting task, but by following these simple tips you...

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  5. 5 Pieces of Essential Bakery Equipment for Your New Business

    5 Pieces of Essential Bakery Equipment for Your New Business

    Bakeries are magnificent places. Cookies, cakes, pies and pastries. Artisan breads of all shapes and sizes. Delectable desserts that are sure to make the taste buds dance with delight.  When you open your own bake shop you’re given the opportunity to make people happy by selling them the baked goods that they love; and you get to earn a living...

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  6. A Baker's Guide to Social Media

    A Baker's Guide to Social Media

    In today’s connected world, Social Media applications have played an ever increasing role in the success of marketing efforts for bakeries of all shapes and sizes. Social Media outlets can be extremely useful in acquiring new customers, engage with existing ones, developing brand loyalty, communicating with vendors and more. The first step in developing an effective Social Media strategy is...

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  7. Planning for a Power Outage

    Planning for a Power Outage

    Of all the potential problems you anticipate when running your business, losing power may not be one of the first that comes to mind. If you're not prepared ahead of time, however, the losses to your business could be devastating. The following describes several steps to take to be adequately prepared in the event of a power outage. Plan Ahead...

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  8. Packed with Protein – Branding to Promote Protein Products

    Packed with Protein – Branding to Promote Protein Products

    An adequate level of protein is essential to the growth and maturity of our bodies. Many people know that the primary benefit of protein is to build and maintain muscle strength, but they may not realize that a daily helping of protein can also help to improve brain functions, increase bone density, lessen belly fat and slow the aging process...

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  9. In the Mix: The Benefits of Spiral Arm Dough Mixers

    In the Mix: The Benefits of Spiral Arm Dough Mixers

    A high quality mixer is one of the key elements in the production of consistent, high quality products. The ever popular planetary mixer, with its interchangeable mixing arms and variety of sizes, is hard to beat in terms of versatility. For some intermediate to large wholesale bakeries the horizontal mixer is the mixer of preference. However, for yeasted products like...

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  10. Is a Rack Oven Right for You?

    Is a Rack Oven Right for You?

    When baking is your livelihood a good quality oven is a key element in your success. Since its invention in 1958, the Rotating Rack Oven has gained worldwide popularity in Supermarkets, Pastry Shops and Bakeries of all sizes. They are ideal for a wide range of baked goods including cookies, cakes, muffins, pastries, pan bread, artisan bread, bagels and so...

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