Empire Bakery Equipment

Empire Bakery Blog




  1. Consumers’ Lifestyles Influence the Bread Market

    Consumers’ Lifestyles Influence the Bread Market

    It’s not much of a surprise that we want to get rid of Partially Hydrated Oils and anything else that we can’t pronounce in our foods. Today a growing number of consumers are making this an absolute lifestyle change and not just another trend. These conscience choices of healthy eating have influenced the bread market, and the characteristics and components...

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  2. Be Prepared: Disaster Recovery Plan

    Be Prepared: Disaster Recovery Plan

    ” Hurricane season is in full swing once again, and there are some things that can be done to prepare not only yourself and loved ones, but also your business from this storm. As any successful business owner will tell you, advance preparation is the key to a quick recovery. A comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan should cover a wide variety...

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  3. Trending Now: Specialty Donuts

    Trending Now: Specialty Donuts

    ” The specialty donut trend is definitely at its peak now, with more creations than you can even dream up. One of the more interesting things I’ve seen lately involved ice cream infusion – best of both worlds! These yummy little treats started at the Los Angeles bakery B Sweet and are the perfect way to end your summer. These...

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  4. Artisan meets Innovation at Bien Cuit

    Artisan meets Innovation at Bien Cuit

    ” "They have turned our bakery into a place where people love to work and grow as artisans, as well as feed a substantial quantity of New Yorkers every day with well-prepared baked goods consisting of excellent ingredients and thorough baking techniques." Read how this artisan baker was able to keep his painstaking age-old mixing and fermentation techniques and accommodate...

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  5. Stock Your Bakery with Mother’s Day Sweets

    Stock Your Bakery with Mother’s Day Sweets

    Time to sweeten up your bakery selection this Mother’s Day with some mother-approved classics. With the holiday quickly approaching, the time is now to start planning your bakery’s offerings. Customers will be looking to show their mothers just how loved and appreciated they are, and baked goods are a perfect way to celebrate with loved ones. (At least we think...

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  6. Preserving Cakes in Hot Weather

    Preserving Cakes in Hot Weather

    If you are a bakery that produces cakes for special events, you understand the struggle that it can be to create a cake or transport a cake in the heat of summer. With wedding season in full bloom, many bakeries are starting to produce and transport wedding cakes while battling warm temperatures. It is important to understand how to store...

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  7. Baking Benefits Beyond Taste Buds

    Baking Benefits Beyond Taste Buds

    If you’re a baker at heart, you know that the benefits you get from baking are more than just the pile of cookies in your kitchen when you’re finished. How you feel after baking is likely how people feel that love working out, creating artwork, doing sewing projects, and so forth. Many people enjoy hobbies because they have a good...

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  8. Getting On Board with Bread

    Getting On Board with Bread

    A great loaf of bread is good for your soul. Being able to bake bread is the sign of a true bakery, and customers are seeking out unique loaves of bread as often as they are seeking out cupcakes, cookies, and otherwise. Below we have highlighted some of our favorite bread recipes that will give customers a reason to keep...

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  9. Importance of Replacing Older Equipment

    Importance of Replacing Older Equipment

    Even the bakery industry is often being improved due to innovations and advances in technology. While the beloved bakery equipment that you’ve had for decades might hold sentimental value, it is likely costing you in efficiency, energy, and cold hard cash. Using old and out of date bakery equipment will result in missed opportunities in efficiency gains and cost reduction...

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  10. Baking Tips and Tricks

    Baking Tips and Tricks

    Baking is a skill that can always be improved upon. If you are looking to produce higher quality baked goods, consider tweaking your recipes and methods. We have compiled a small list of tips and tricks for creating delicious and high quality baked goods. Quality of the Flour Don’t skimp on the quality of the flour that you purchase. You...

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