Empire Bakery Equipment

Empire Bakery Blog



Empire Bake

Empire Bakery Equipment is a leading supplier of Commercial Ovens, Mixers, Baking Systems and other Commercial Baking Equipment

  1. Celebrating National Whole Grains Month

    Celebrating National Whole Grains Month

    That’s right! September is National Whole Grains Month. There is no better time to explore the many different types of whole grain breads out there. No matter your age or gender, whole grains are a healthy part of your diet. But did you know that some whole grains are even healthier than others? Baking Business reports, according to a study found...

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  2. 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Cookie Depositor

    5 Tips for Choosing the Right Cookie Depositor

    With so many varieties available, it's no wonder America loves cookies! For so many bake shops around the country, cookie production has become a very profitable revenue stream. Now you want a piece of the action - but where to start? Choosing the right cookie production equipment may seem like a daunting task, but by following these simple tips you...

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  3. Can Egg Replacers Satisfy Customers’ Taste Buds?

    Can Egg Replacers Satisfy Customers’ Taste Buds?

    Used in the creation of almost every baked good we can think of, eggs add flavor and perform the important function of holding the ingredients together. Egg replacers have seen a growth in popularity in recent years, attributed in part to the increase of individuals trying a vegan diet, which means that more and more bakeries are looking to make...

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  4. Cupcakes: Reasons They Remain a Favored Dessert

    Cupcakes: Reasons They Remain a Favored Dessert

    When it comes to dessert popularity, trends are always changing. One day we loved the macaron and the next cake pops reigned supreme. But the one dessert staple that has stood the test of time, retaining favor above the rest, is the cupcake. A single-serve treat that can be prepared for any event, the cupcake can be dressed up with...

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  5. Both Baby Boomers and Generation Z are Changing the Food Industry

    Both Baby Boomers and Generation Z are Changing the Food Industry

    The food industry has seen big changes in recent years with organics foods and ethnic options becoming more prominent. According to BakingBusiness.com, these changes are led by both Baby Boomers (age 51 to 69) and members of Generation Z (17 and under). Both sets of consumers are much more aware of the foods they are putting in their bodies than...

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  6. Google Food Trends of 2016

    Google Food Trends of 2016

    This April, Google released an interesting and detailed report about food trends of all kinds. From options like the Bundt cake that have shown steady growth in past years to the trends like rainbow donuts that skyrocket to fame just to fizzle out quickly, there are many different insights to be gained from this document. The report included top trending...

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  7. 5 Pieces of Essential Bakery Equipment for Your New Business

    5 Pieces of Essential Bakery Equipment for Your New Business

    Bakeries are magnificent places. Cookies, cakes, pies and pastries. Artisan breads of all shapes and sizes. Delectable desserts that are sure to make the taste buds dance with delight.  When you open your own bake shop you’re given the opportunity to make people happy by selling them the baked goods that they love; and you get to earn a living...

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  8. A Baker's Guide to Social Media

    A Baker's Guide to Social Media

    In today’s connected world, Social Media applications have played an ever increasing role in the success of marketing efforts for bakeries of all shapes and sizes. Social Media outlets can be extremely useful in acquiring new customers, engage with existing ones, developing brand loyalty, communicating with vendors and more. The first step in developing an effective Social Media strategy is...

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  9. Create a ‘Buying Environment’ in Your Bakery

    Create a ‘Buying Environment’ in Your Bakery

    Even if your bakery has the most delicious treats in town, there is much more to getting customers to pick up their breads, cookies and pies at your store than a promise of flavorful goodness. Shoppers want a visit to their favorite store to be a special experience, one that allows them to escape from their stresses for a minute...

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  10. Being 'Unconventional' with Your Business

    Being 'Unconventional' with Your Business

    It's not that you don't have something fantastic to offer your customers. After all, few people can resist freshly baked breads, pastries and other treats. With so many other businesses -- food related and otherwise -- vying for attention, it can be difficult to get noticed amid all the din and clamor. Going the unconventional route enables you to build...

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