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Baking with fresh fruit

  1. COVID-19 Social Media Strategies for Your Bakery

    COVID-19 Social Media Strategies for Your Bakery

    The current pandemic we find ourselves in is affecting our everyday ways of life and more importantly, how we operate our businesses. Bakeries are being forced to think outside the box and get creative in order to continue operating successfully. Now more than ever, how you market and promote your bakery is extremely important and can be the difference-maker. One...

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  2. Best Fruits for Baking

    Best Fruits for Baking

    Do you get sick of baking with mainly chocolate and vanilla flavors? Are you tired of doing different variations of red velvet desserts? Shake up your summer bakery menu by baking with fresh fruit. Customers will love to see a new, healthy spin on their favorite items. Plus, you’ll have tons of baked good options when you’re mixing fresh and...

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