For bakery and restaurant owners, producing the highest quality bread is what will keep your customers happy and coming back for more. To ensure your business is making bread to the best of its ability, you need to make sure it is equipped with the right equipment. One of the most important pieces of equipment for ensuring that your bread is light, fluffy, and flavorful is a bread proofer. You may be thinking to yourself, what do I need a bread proofer for? I can just floor-proof my dough. Although floor proofing is a perfectly acceptable way to proof your bread dough, it poses its issues with productivity and consistency, making it not the most ideal option. This blog will discuss all of the benefits of a dough proofer in great detail to educate bakery and restaurant owners.

What is a Bread Proofer?

First things first. What is a bread proofer? We are sure most of you know, but allow us to explain in greater detail what this extremely helpful equipment is and is capable of. Simply put, a bread proofer is a piece of equipment that allows for a controlled environment best suited for proofing doughs. Variables like temperature and humidity can be controlled to ensure the perfect proofing and fermentation of your dough. Proofing is the final rise the dough undergoes before baking, where the yeast ferments the sugars in the dough, producing carbon dioxide and alcohol. This part of the bread-baking process is crucial for the development of the final product and could essentially make or break your final bread.

Bread Proofers from Empire Bakery Equipment

The Benefits of Using a Bread Proofer

1. Precision Temperature & Humidity Control

A key and probably most important benefit of using a bread proofer is the precise control it gives you over temperature and humidity. The yeast in bread is extremely sensitive to the environment it is in. Slight changes to temperature or humidity can easily affect the proofing process. A bread proofer allows you to set the ideal temperature needed for a specific dough, as well as the proper humidity needed for optimal fermentation. Creating the perfect conditions will result in a quality and consistent proof each time.

Bakeries and restaurants that choose to manually floor-proof their dough using ambient kitchen conditions have a hard time getting consistent results. The time of year and other factors can easily change the temperature in a kitchen and lead to inconsistent proofing results. The varying conditions could lead to dough either proofing too quickly and overproofing or proofing too slowly, hindering production.

2. Improved Texture and Flavor

When you cut open or bit into a beautiful artisanal sourdough or baguette you notice the texture and flavor right away. When the bread is light with an airy crumb, you can see visually how perfectly the bread was proofed. When you taste bread that provides that punch of flavor and aroma, that means that the dough was proofed perfectly and was able to properly ferment to give it that wonderful taste. There is no doubt that a bread proofer helps enhance the flavor and texture of your bread. The consistent rise achieved through proper bread proofing ensures that your loaves are uniform, making them more visually appealing to customers and keeping your customers happy.

3. Increased Production Efficiency

As previously mentioned, as opposed to floor proofing, using a bread proofer will allow you to more efficiently proof your dough and lead to a more productive bakery or restaurant. When you choose to floor-proof dough, the fluctuating ambient environment can mean that getting a proper proof can take an extended period of time and slow up production. For bakery and restaurant owners, time is money. A good bread proofer helps increase production efficiency by shortening proofing times while still ensuring optimal results. With the accuracy and consistency of a bread proofer, you no longer have to worry about overproofing, which leads to product waste and can cost your business money.

4. Consistency and Reliability

This one is a no-brainer! Consistency is key in any bakery or restaurant, and a bread proofer will provide exactly that. Your customers can expect the same flavorful and airy crust and crumb every time they visit. They are able to expect this level of consistency due to the use of a dough proofer. Bakery and restaurant owners can ensure that every batch of dough is properly proofed, regardless of internal kitchen conditions. Not having to worry about fluctuating temperatures or humidity levels affecting the proofing process will also provide peace of mind to the bakers. Whether it's a hot summer day or a chilly winter morning, your dough will proof perfectly every time, giving you the confidence to produce high-quality bread day in and day out.


We hope this blog truly illustrates the effectiveness and importance of a bread proofer for bakeries and restaurants. Allowing you to have precision control over temperature and humidity, bread proofers ensure that your business is providing high-quality and consistent breads with a light airy crust and powerful flavor that will keep them coming back for more! Additionally, the increased efficiency and reduced waste that a bread proofer offers can help you save time and money, making it a valuable investment for your business. If you think its time your bakery or restaurant stopped floor-proofing dough and started getting efficient results with a bread proofer, then visit our website or give us a call.