We live in a digital world where digital marketing is heavily relied on by businesses to help promote their products, services and brand. Bakeries should be no exception to these businesses utilizing digital marketing. Outside of word of mouth and signage outside of a bakery, social media can play a huge role in helping drive customers to your shop and increase sales. There are many benefits to social media marketing for your bakery including expanding your customer base, promoting products, engaging with your community and more! Whether you are a large bakery chain or a small little bake shop, the power of social media can help take you to the next level and drive success. In this blog, we will explain exactly how to use social media for your bakery and all of the benefits it can bring.

1. Show Off Your Products

Social media relies heavily on visuals. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok off the ability to promote your products in a visually pleasing way. Bakeries thrive on visual appeal. When you walk into a bakery and see all of the beautiful pastries and bread on display, it catches your eye. The same thought process goes into social media posting. Taking visually engaging photos of your products with eye-catching backdrops will grab the customer's attention online and leave them wanting to try your products. Short videos of your products being made using your bakery equipment or sampled by customers will also help entice potential customers. By regularly posting on your social media channels, you’ll create a digital portfolio that showcases your baking talents and keeps your followers hungry for more.

social media posts for bakeries

2. Engage Directly with Customers

No matter what type of business it is, customers like to feel connected and appreciated. A sense of community with a brand results in more customer loyalty and repeat customers. One of the greatest advantages of social media is its ability to foster direct communication between you and your customers. This communication can come in many forms on social media, whether it's through comments, direct messages, or live streams, social media allows you to build relationships and receive real-time feedback. Customers can ask you questions and you have the ability to answer them directly and share more information on products to entice the customer to make a visit. You can also thank customers directly for their positive reviews and sentiments which will foster a relationship and show the public that you're a bakery that cares about its patrons. Engaging with your audience builds loyalty and strengthens your bakery’s reputation.

3. Promote Special Offers, Products and Events

Social media is the perfect medium to share with your customers any specials or promotions you are currently offering. Adding a new seasonal product to your menu? Throw together some posts to promote these products and easily get the word out to your customers. Social media is an excellent platform for promoting special offers, new product launches, and also events you may be hosting or attending. According to a survey by MHG Marketing Agency, 74% of people say they are more likely to visit a bakery they actively follow and engage with on social media. The proof is in the pudding or cake, or cookies, depends on what your bakery is making!

4. Build Trust with Customers

If you hop on social media and go to a business page, you may see reposts from customers trying their product or service with some kind words attached. In the social media world, it's called user-generated content or UGC. Customer testimonials and user-generated content are powerful tools for building credibility and trust. For Empire, our UGC content always gets great engagement and feedback. Customers visiting your pages like to see other people using or trying your products. It creates trust and has a stronger effect than a written testimonial does. Encourage your customers to share their own photos of your baked goods with a dedicated hashtag, and re-share their posts on your social media pages.

5. Grow Your Bakery with Targeted Ads

You may think you need a college degree in advertising in order to run a successful ad campaign for your bakery. However, social media platforms make it extremely easy for you to run your own targeted ad campaigns to help grow brand awareness and gain more customers. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer targeted advertising options that can help you reach specific demographics. You can target people who show interest in products that you offer, are interested in baking and other demographics that would fit into your description as a potential customer. You can also target potential customers geographically and show the ads to those who live in your area. Not ready for whole ad campaigns? No problem, you can spend a few extra bucks just boosting your posts in order to get maximum visibility and engagement out of them. This makes it easier to attract new customers and increase sales, especially if you are promoting an offer or new product.

6. Take Customers Behind the Scenes

People love to support local businesses with a compelling story. They also love supporting businesses they feel personally connected to. This sort of connection is achieved by showing customers the behind-the-scenes moments at your bakery. Bring them into the kitchen where your dough mixer is hard at work kneading the dough for the bread your customers love. Tell them the story of how your bakery got its name. Social media is all about connecting with your audience and building a relationship. Building this relationship with your customers ensures they remember your business, relate to it, and likely become loyal and returning customer. This type of human connection can set you apart from larger competitors that may not be as in tune with their audience.

Social media is a powerful tool that can significantly grow your bakery by engaging with your community, attracting new customers, and showcasing your delicious products. By putting together well-thought-out and visually pleasing posts consistently, you will see your bakery's popularity and sales increase. Remember, authenticity and creativity are key—people will follow and support a bakery that not only serves delicious treats but also shares its story with passion. So, if your bakery isn’t yet on social media, now’s the perfect time to start. Happy baking (and posting)!