It's not that you don't have something fantastic to offer your customers. After all, few people can resist freshly baked breads, pastries and other treats. With so many other businesses -- food related and otherwise -- vying for attention, it can be difficult to get noticed amid all the din and clamor. Going the unconventional route enables you to build in a new level of flexibility, and this, in turn, can help you establish your business's brand and develop that loyal following that is so crucial to your success. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Consider Popping Up Where You're Least Expected

One way to get noticed is to present your baked goods in avenues where they are not traditionally found. The key to this pop-up concept is that it is a temporary retail solution. By placing your business outside the normal confines of a traditional retail shop, you have the opportunity for unsurpassed growth and success.

  • Farmer's markets have long been a boon for small food-based businesses to get more exposure. While the primary focus has typically been on produce, they also offer an enticing alternative to supermarket fare that could satisfy a need to pick up bread or dessert for a family who is already out browsing their local farmer's market.
  • Who says a food truck or street stand can't sell baked goods? As long as you meet the stipulations of your local governmental entity, these out-of-the-box options can provide you with a nearly-constant stream of satisfied customers -- if you pick a location with a lot of foot traffic or one that is easily reach via car.
  • Mall kiosks are known for repairing mobile devices and selling jewelry. Setting up a pop-up location for your bakery helps increase your visibility just by virtue of being different. When you throw in the fact that typical mall food courts are replete with the same tired old fast-food chains, a mall kiosk could be what catapults your business to the next level.
  • Partnering with a local business to set up a booth inside their store or out on their sidewalk is a win-win situation for you both. You get to take advantage of foot traffic from a clientele that might not otherwise stop at a bakery. The host business has the opportunity to keep customers in the store longer as they enjoy the baked delights they purchase from you.

Understand the Supermarket Industry

It might seem like a difficult area to break into, but supermarkets have a vested interest in providing their customers with a diverse array of items. Bakeries that have a unique twist on a traditional product can provide just the right solution that a supermarket chain is looking for. In addition, your products need to stand out from among the crowd by using creative packaging that captures attention. Determine who makes the decisions about products for the chain, as well as the means of distribution that are used to bring them into the store, so you can begin formulating a game plan. Be prepared to present facts and figures that help the supermarket chain reach its goals.

Being unconventional with your business helps create a niche environment. This option supports almost limitless growth while fueling your success.

While you work on unconventional ways to make your business stand out, Empire Bakery Equipment is here to provide you with the equipment you need to continue to bake incredible breads and pastries. For more information on our products, contact us online or by phone at 1-800-878-4070.