An adequate level of protein is essential to the growth and maturity of our bodies. Many people know that the primary benefit of protein is to build and maintain muscle strength, but they may not realize that a daily helping of protein can also help to improve brain functions, increase bone density, lessen belly fat and slow the aging process, among many other benefits.

So what are people eating for protein?

There are several foods out there that just scream protein – eggs, dairy, meat and fish, just to name a few. Others rely on more fortified foods such as protein bars, protein shakes and powder supplements. There are also a few more unusual sources of protein, including insects.

It’s all about branding

To many, it is common knowledge that these items are known for their protein levels. But why is that the case? It’s all about branding. It is important to focus on branding, particularly in the baking industry. It is essential for customers to understand that foods and snacks produced in bakeries aren’t only for sating your sweet tooth, but they can have nutritious benefits as well.

As many bakeries already promote their treats as gluten-free and whole-grain, they should also promote the inclusion of protein. After all, labeling your goodies as protein-packed may influence customers to buy more products at your store for the health benefits. Plus, customers who frequent your business for your protein-filled menu items will tell their friends that your establishment has their best interests in mind in addition to selling delicious treats.

And the market is there. According to a study performed by the Natural Marketing Institute and Informa, 38 percent of adults said that they are actively seeking to add more protein into their diets. Just imagine how a small bakery could grow if they separated themselves with customer-minded pro-protein branding!

Now that you know how to properly brand your products, all that is left is the baking. Empire Bakery Equipment is your home to the parts and service you need to make your bakery better than ever. Call us at 800-878-4070 to learn more about our services.